Sunday, 2 August 2015


  • Narendra Damoder Daas Modi, a name without which neither any debate nor any news hour can go void. A name which sells more than any xyz things in India and a name which has its own significance to the world. Even Mr. Modi had not expected of such a great majority and faith from all over India. Same as the acceptance of Vivekananda's as the convener of Hinduism on the world stage at the most famous worlds parliament of religion till date.

    What obligates me to compare these two personalities are not only the similarity in their names (i.e. Narendra- a childhood name for Vivekananda's) but their speeches too. Remember the day when Vivekananda's gave his historic speech in the worlds parliament of religion and the whole world were astonishingly watching and listening to the great orator. People were queue up either to chat or shake hands with him irrespective of his background. Like wise in the case of Narendra Modi after he gave a historic speech in United Nations and proposed a day dedicated for the well being of humanity as an International YOGA day. And i being a proud Indian can say that United Nations resolution came as a historic resolution in the history of United Nations where it got the support of around 167 countries that too in one of the shortest span of time, which in itself is a milestone. And United Nations acclaimed 21st June as the international yoga day.                                                                                                             Ever since i have started following politics, i have seen people being taken in to rallies and being offered a meal or may be some money and it goes to almost every party without exception. But what i saw in the just concluded lok sabha elections was something my eyes could not believe, people paying money to listen to the speeches of Mr. Modi, and this trend continued in several overseas tours as well after he became PM. What has he really been telling and teaching in all his speeches is to be tolerant at the same time pro-active and alert. The earth quake in Nepal and the rescue operations in Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq are the latest examples where India evolved as the major contributor and the whole world looked at us whenever they needed help.                                                                                                  There are people who need quick fixes for everything without doing their bit. My only suggestion to them is to have some patience trust your government, after all ' Rome was not built in a day' it requires a great zeal and effort from every citizen of this country to make India the country of 21st century. Ever since Mr. Modi has taken the command, he has been working tirelessly to not only improve but to provide pace to the developmental works. His saintly attire and an intelligent yet calm mind makes him a politician the world would look up-to.

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